Art. 4612. Finality of partition when rule to reject or opposition unfounded When the court finds that a rule to reject the partition, or an opposition to its homologation, is unfounded and that all legal formalities have been observed, it shall homologate the act of partition.
Art. 111. Spousal support; authority of court In a proceeding for divorce or thereafter, the court may award interim periodic support to a party or may award final periodic support to a party who is in need of support and who is free from fault prior to the filing of a proceeding to terminate the [..]
Art. 112. Determination of final periodic support A. When a spouse has not been at fault prior to the filing of a petition for divorce and is in need of support, based on the needs of that party and the ability of the other party to pay, that spouse may be awarded final periodic support [..]
Art. 113. Interim spousal support allowance pending final spousal support award A. Upon motion of a party or when a demand for final spousal support is pending, the court may award a party an interim spousal support allowance based on the needs of that party, the ability of the other party to pay, any interim [..]
Art. 114. Modification or termination of award of periodic support An award of periodic support may be modified if the circumstances of either party materially change and shall be terminated if it has become unnecessary. The subsequent remarriage of the obligor spouse shall not constitute a change of circumstance. Acts 1997, No. 1078, §1, eff. [..]
Art. 115. Extinguishment of spousal support obligation The obligation of spousal support is extinguished upon the remarriage of the obligee, the death of either party, or a judicial determination that the obligee has cohabited with another person of either sex in the manner of married persons. Acts 1997, No. 1078, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.
Art. 116. Modification of spousal support obligation The obligation of final spousal support may be modified, waived, or extinguished by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction or by authentic act or act under private signature duly acknowledged by the obligee. Acts 1997, No. 1078, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.
Art. 117. Peremptive period for obligation The right to claim after divorce the obligation of spousal support is subject to a peremption of three years. Peremption begins to run from the latest of the following events: (1) The day the judgment of divorce is signed. (2) The day a judgment terminating a previous judgment of spousal support [..]
Art. 118. Other remedies affected Failure to bring an action for divorce pursuant to Article 103(4) or (5) or final spousal support pursuant to Article 112(B) shall in no way affect the rights of the party to seek other remedies provided by law. Acts 2014, No. 316, §1.
Art. 121. Claim for contributions to education or training; authority of court In a proceeding for divorce or thereafter, the court may award a party a sum for his financial contributions made during the marriage to education or training of his spouse that increased the spouse’s earning power, to the extent that the claimant did [..]