Author: seancorcoran

Saving Your Marriage – Happily Ever After Takes Work

As someone who has struggled with weight my entire life, I spend way more time in gyms than anyone would guess by looking at me. In an attempt to distract from the pain that I’m putting  myself through at 5am on a daily basis, I spend a lot of time actively observing other people at [..]

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Is Your Smartphone Interfering with Your Marriage?

“The telephone is the greatest nuisance among conveniences, the greatest convenience among nuisances.” – Robert Staughton Lynd (1892-1970) When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, one of his goals was to keep people connected.  Through his invention, in a time when traveling great distances was much harder than it is today, people could more easily [..]

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Life Goes On Even After Divorce

Shortly after my first post on divorce, I received a comment from a reader that I thought was important to address. The post was titled “Divorce Is A Horrible Thing”, and the comment read: It’s a horrible thing, but life goes on. Wake up, take a breath, get dressed, live your day, change the things [..]

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Shared Custody In Louisiana

The Louisiana Suggested Joint Custody and Visitation Plan is outdated and is ripe for a change. Currently the “suggestion”, which is a starting point for most custody and visitation agreements, is that the non-domiciliary parent gets visitation every other weekend and each Wednesday night.  There are exceptions for holidays and vacations, but that’s the gist [..]

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Your Marriage Is Worth Saving

  If you’re wondering why a divorce attorney would encourage people to save their marriage, it’s simple. First, I don’t consider myself a divorce attorney. I’ve seen how hard divorce is on my clients, and as someone who gets emotionally invested in the people I work for, I’ve seen the stress their situations can cause [..]

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Divorce Is A Horrible Thing

   I truly believe that there is no life event which is more emotionally, physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually draining than a divorce.  When you got married, you knew with every fiber of your being that you would be together forever. You’ve given everything you have to your spouse and your children, and now you [..]

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