Category: Division of Property Statutes

Art. 2352 Management & Disposition of Partnership and LLC

Art. 2352.  Management and disposition of partnership and limited liability company interest A spouse who is a partner has the exclusive right to manage, alienate, encumber, or lease the partnership interest. A spouse who is a member has the exclusive right to manage, alienate, encumber, or lease the limited liability company interest. Acts 1979, No. [..]

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Art. 2353 Unauthorized Alienation of Community Property

Art. 2353.  Unauthorized alienation of community property. When the concurrence of the spouses is required by law, the alienation, encumbrance, or lease of community property by a spouse is relatively null unless the other spouse has renounced the right to concur.  Also, the alienation, encumbrance, or lease of the assets of a community enterprise by [..]

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Art. 2356 Causes of Termination

Art. 2356.  Causes of termination The legal regime of community property is terminated by the death or judgment of declaration of death of a spouse, declaration of the nullity of the marriage, judgment of divorce or separation of property, or matrimonial agreement that terminates the community. Acts 1979, No. 709, §1; Acts 1990, No. 989, [..]

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Art. 2358 Claims for Reimbursement Between Spouses

Art. 2358.  Claims for reimbursement between spouses A spouse may have a claim against the other spouse for reimbursement in accordance with the following Articles. A claim for reimbursement may be asserted only after termination of the community property regime, unless otherwise provided by law. Acts 1979, No. 709, §1; Acts 1990, No. 991, §1; [..]

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