Category: Division of Property Statutes

Art. 2344 Offenses and Quasi-Offenses

Art. 2344.  Offenses and quasi-offenses; damages as community or separate property. Damages due to personal injuries sustained during the existence of the community by a spouse are separate property. Nevertheless, the portion of the damages attributable to expenses incurred by the community as a result of the injury, or in compensation of the loss of [..]

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Art. 2347 Alienation of Community Property (Concurrence of the Other Spouse)

Art. 2347.  Alienation of community property; concurrence of other spouse. A. The concurrence of both spouses is required for the alienation, encumbrance, or lease of community immovables, standing, cut, or fallen timber, furniture or furnishings while located in the family home, all or substantially all of the assets of a community enterprise, and movables issued [..]

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Art. 2348 Renunciation of Right to Concur

Art. 2348.  Renunciation of right to concur. A spouse may expressly renounce the right to concur in the alienation, encumbrance, or lease of a community immovable or some or all of the community immovables, or community immovables which may be acquired in the future, or all or substantially all of a community enterprise.  He also [..]

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